Thursday September 12 , 2024
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Fee Structure

An initial exploration meeting of up to 90 minutes is provided free to explore what the potential customer needs and what CES may be able to provide. CES can then customise a proposal and fee outline based on the following generic service levels:

  • Level 1 – Introduction - Chinese business culture, language, business opportunities including accompanied exploration visit if required.
  • Level 2 – Information - Provision of essential administration contact information, outline of forms and certificates required, where to get them, and where to file them with the Chinese authorities.
  • Level 3 – Data- In addition to Level 2 service, acquisition of all the necessary forms, etc and supply to the customer.
  • Level 4 – Complete - In addition to Level 3, completion of all necessary forms, acquisition of certificates, etc, in association with the customer who must provide the information CES need to pass on to the relevant Chinese authorities, on their behalf.
  • Level 5 – Visit - support of business development visits to China by customers charged on a unit service basis and per hour attendance fee.

We provide a fully customised service tailored specifically to suit our customer's needs. This ensures that the customer gets excellent value for money. The fee structure is fully transparent from the start and the customer selects the elements required. Additional services can be added later in a project according to a fee structure agreed at the outset.



  • 1级--提供介绍服务--中国商业文化,语言,商机,如果必要陪同探索访问。
  • 2级--提供信息服务。---提供重要的联络信息,必要的表格证书概况,及中方的办理地点及介绍。
  • 3级--数据性服务。---在2级的基础上,获得所有客户需要的相关表格及材料。
  • 4级-----完成。----在第3级别的基础上,客户需授权并提供必要信息给CES完成所有必要的表格,获得相关的资质等。
  • 5级---参观访问--- 支持到中国访问发展业务的客户 ,在收取单位服务的基础上,按小时计算出席费。
