Thursday September 12 , 2024
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Guān Xì

Guān Xì in Chinese has many meanings but in this context the key interpretation is 'relationship'. It is similar to the Western business concept of Networking, but with the added attribute that trust is extended to a third party based on an established relationship with a second party.

China Enterprise Solutions understands Guān Xì and how to be successful in business in China. We will only do business with a company once we have established its bona fides. So we take great care to evaluate all potential customers. If we have any doubts, we walk away. We apply this strict code of practice to Western clients as well as to Chinese clients. Only when we have trust in your company can we effectively represent you to a third party. We select our business partners very carefully. We hope you understand.


关系在中国有很多含义,但这里最重要的理解是双方关系. 这类似西方的经营理念. 但是多了一个特性即在既有的两者双方关系基础上,信任延伸至对第三方
